If you’re in the process of building a new home, you’re probably pretty excited to see its progress as construction workers break ground. But don’t let your excitement get carried away too quickly. These sites are definitely dangerous areas if you don’t know how to take the right precautions.
Mandatory signs are posted around a construction site to indicate a number of things. They can be used to indicate that certain behaviors are prohibited or required on site. For example, you might encounter signs that say that hard hats are required when walking in or near the site.
Do your best to always follow these signs. Even if a situation may appear harmless to you, recognize that you might not have the necessary training to accurately assess present dangers.
There will also be a variety of different labels that you should be aware of. As you pass by different equipment and different kinds of materials, you will see different indicators—often color coordinated—that relate to the function and hazard level of the object. Learning this coding can help you avoid these dangers. Generally speaking, don’t touch anything without permission and supervision.
Typically, if you understand the NFPA diamond, you’ll be able to adequately understand different materials present on site. There are different components to the NFPA diamond , each covering a different hazard and indicating the level of danger posed by the labeled substance. Learn what the different parts indicate and you’ll be able to quickly assess a tool or material while walking around the construction zone.
If you’re planning to try and visit the site of your future home, you should also be aware of and on the lookout for any signage that indicates where parking is forbidden to non-construction personnel. Be aware that signage indicating that typical parking rules have been suspended may not always be posted in the same way as other types of signs.
Sometimes these parking signs are smaller or are even paper signs rather than metal signs made with reflective material.
Understanding how to maneuver a construction site is so important. It is especially important when you are in the process of building your own home and will likely be visiting your home site frequently. In addition to being aware of these different types of signs, follow common sense and you’ll be able to stay safe.
Read this next: Post-Construction Changes That Can Enhance Your Custom Home