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How to Avoid Expensive Future Home Repairs

Dotcom Design • December 11, 2020

Buying a new home is one of the busiest experiences anybody can have. It is challenging to adjust your life and sort your belongings in a limited amount of time. Because of this, maintenance work is probably the last thing on your mind. But neglecting this important practice can saddle you with loads of unnecessary costs in the future.

This is true for people building a custom home as well. The sad truth is overlooking small details can lead to high prices. By focusing on your home’s condition, you can avoid making these grave mistakes and help your home last as long as possible.

Get It Right During Construction

When building a new home, you should take care in every step of the process. Hire the best contractor you can afford—someone you know will make your home safe from the ground up. Building to last might mean spending more now but it could mean an overall stronger structure.

If you or an unskilled contractor builds a home with a shaky foundation accidentally, there could be dire consequences. In the worst-case scenario, a section of your home could be completely destroyed during a natural disaster. At that point, you will have to rebuild everything. It is far better to get things right during the construction process.

Regular Inspections

Performing scheduled inspections on your home can also keep you up to date on any issues it may have. While you can hire a professional inspector to do the job for you, a cheaper option is to find a checklist and perform a simple one yourself. It is smart to do them at least twice a year, though some people do them more.

If you do find an issue you are curious about, then you should contact a professional and get their perspective. They can help you know who to call to make repairs. Inspecting often keeps the homeowner accountable and proactive.

Focus on Critical Areas

As with any profession, some tasks are more important than others. While you can perform general inspections on your home, you should look at specific areas that may have trouble and would cause the most damage to replace. The roof and the foundation of your home are two critical areas that need your attention.

If you select a normal-tiled roof, you may spend less money, but you will have to replace it more frequently. If you want a sturdier roof, install a metal one before your home’s complete. In addition to being more durable, metal roofing is also safer. It also protects your home from sun damage more effectively.

Learn to Make Your Own Repairs

Becoming independent in the repair world is essential if you want to be a responsible homeowner. When you see a potential problem, you will be able to take the initiative and make the fix yourself. If you do not know much about maintenance, it becomes easier to kick the problem down the road.

There is a financial incentive to educate yourself too. Instead of forking over money to get the problem solved, you can save yourself hundreds in labor costs. If you are hesitant, you can even observe videos online to help you learn. There are some tasks everyone should learn how to do themselves to make their lives easier.

Prioritize Energy Efficiency

When designing your home, you should also be thinking about its energy efficiency. How is your air conditioning set up? How new is your heating tank? Are there any potential problems with the brand? These are some of the ways you can think about how energy might be wasted during the construction process.

If you notice drafts in your home, you may have cracks in your window or doorways. You should learn to use a caulking gun or weatherstripping to eliminate this energy loss. This should be one of the first things you observe when you perform an inspection on a used home.

Keep it Clean

Having a pest problem can be one of the nastiest problems to fix in home repair. Oftentimes, people won’t notice they have an infestation until it’s too late. Common pests to look out for are mice, termites, wasps, and roaches. As with most issues, focus on preventing a pest problem before it happens.

Make sure your home is clean. Pests love to hide in clutter where they think they can find food easily. Sealing food in containers keeps them from being attracted inside. Mold is another infestation that can destroy your home if you are unaware of it. Make sure to air out your bathrooms and other humid areas of your home.

Maintain Home Exterior

While there are many aspects of home maintenance that take place inside, you should also be aware of what you can do outside to protect your property. First, maintain the areas of your home where critters are likely to live. Weed your garden, clean out rain gutters and make sure there are no areas that could flood your home.

You also should keep your driveway in good condition. If you live in a colder climate, shovel snow early so ice doesn’t break your concrete. If you have a massive tree, make sure you manage its roots and branches, so it doesn’t severely damage your home or your driveway.

Take Care of Your Pipes

Lastly, make sure your pipes are taken care of inside and outside of your home. This is especially important if you live in a colder climate, as a broken pipe in the winter can cause massive flooding once it gets warmer.

Inspect the pipes inside your home to make sure nothing is lodged inside of them. Look at the frequently used sinks, as well as your basement’s water heater. Inspecting and tightening where needed will save you a massive headache if things get out of control. This also applies to your sprinkler pipes too.

The moves you make when things seem in order will prevent you from making massive payments later. Be aware of your home’s needs and you will catch problems long before they become detrimental to your home. Pay attention to what professionals and contractors say as they build your home so you know what to do if a problem emerges.

We can help you to build a home that will last for years. Contact us to get started!

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