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What Every Homeowner Should Know Before Starting a Remodel

Multifuse Team • January 14, 2022

A remodel entails planning and preparation to make it a success. Take your time to fully research the project. Before starting a remodel, you need to know your costs, your goal, and your timeline.

Know Your Costs

Before starting a remodel, you should know how much it costs. Smaller spaces typically will cost less than larger spaces. You can plan about $10 to $60 per square foot . Different areas of your home can vary in cost. A kitchen, for example, is going to cost more than a bedroom. When calculating costs, ensure that they aren’t more than would be worth it for the value of your home. You shouldn’t spend more than 10-15 percent in any one given room. Set a budget for your remodel and ensure that you leave a buffer of some extra money in case you go over budget.

Know Your Goal

Before starting a remodel, you need to know what your goal is. Improving functionality is a common goal for kitchen renovations . Improving quality or opening the space can also be a worthwhile goal for your remodel. After setting your goal, ensure that you have some plans drawn for what you want your space to be. You need to have plans set before you start so you aren’t making decisions as you go. You should have an idea of what materials you want to use. Having these decisions made before starting will help you save time and money because you can figure out the best way to do things and how to get the best prices materials.

Know Your Timeline

Before starting a remodel, you need to know your timeline . This timeline should be detailed so you don’t waste time or money. The amount of time your remodel is going to take depends on the size of your remodel. If you are planning to remodel the entire home, you should plan for longer. Your initial time for your remodel should be spent planning. You should plan on about a month for your planning stage to set your budget and research contractors. A contractor can help you plan the timeline for the rest of the project.

To successfully remodel your home, you need to plan and prepare. Your well thought out remodel will ensure quality and allow you to fully enjoy your space. Before you begin, make sure you know your costs, goal, and timeline.

Check out this article on how to put together a completely new kitchen design !

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